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August 19th World Humanitarian Day 2024

 World Humanitarian Day is celebrated globally on the 19th of August and this year; the Volunteer Medical Corps will be taking advantage of this opportunity to impact our world in various unique and special ways. Our Theme for this year's commemoration is GO and we are gifting smiles and organising outreaches. 

#GO:       *Gift-A-Smile  *Organising Outreaches 

Here are 30 simple Good Deeds that you can carry out to celebrate World Humanitarian Day throughout the month of August: 

1. Gift a Smile - Be the reason why someone smiles today through any of our 1 million smiles campaign packages. Click HERE to see more using the link   

2. Provide support to the elderly around you- Help an elderly neighbour with getting their prescriptions, getting their groceries, house chores and home repairs , and getting to and from the hospital. 

3. Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter- Spend some time volunteering in a shelter to provide a helping hand for this year’s World Humanitarian Day. Join the VMC to make a difference.  

4. Say “Thank You” - Express your gratitude to those around you, particularly to local health workers.  

5. Send an appreciation note to a humanitarian/aid worker- Recognize their dedication and motivate them to carry on with their important work.  

6. Gift a Care Package to the Homeless/Displaced Persons - He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the Lord, And the Lord will repay him for his good deed. (Proverbs 19:17 AMP)  

7.Organise a Street/Community Clean-up exercise - Organising a neighbourhood clean-up event is a great way to bring people together and render service.    

8. Organise a Voluntary Blood Drive- Be a superhero through your kind donation of blood this World Humanitarian Day.  

9. Offer Free medical services to underserved people.  

10. Distribute educational resources to children in impoverished areas.  

11. Volunteer to tutor or mentor underprivileged youth.  

12. Volunteer with centers that cater to children with special needs.  

13. Volunteer to provide dental services to children in orphanages and gift them with dental kits  

14. Host free eye screening clinics  

15. Volunteer at a Nursing Home -Volunteering at a nursing home or care facility on World Humanitarian Day. Remember that your efforts not only give smiles and comfort but also contribute to a more caring and connected society.  

16. Volunteering at a Hospital or Medical Clinic -Volunteers at hospitals and medical clinics are essential in supporting the efforts of medical personnel. They assist with administrative work as well as providing comfort to patients and their families. Their presence provides encouragement and relief, fostering a positive environment that aids in the healing process.  

17.Support the VMC to gift medicines, hygiene and care packs to families in host communities. Matthew 5:16 ESV “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven”.  

Take a moment to think about the power of collective action and the wonderful impact that your donation can have on the lives of those in need on World Humanitarian Day. Join forces with the Volunteer Medical Corps to make a difference, and let us work together to create a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all. Your contribution, no matter how large or small, can serve as a beacon of hope, illuminating the darkest corners of the globe and delivering warmth and comfort to those in most need. Your kind donation of $10 can provide the following…  
- Mosquito nets  
- 1 pack of anti-malaria drugs  
- 1 diarrhoea kit  
- 1 dental care kit for kids  
- 1 pack of hand gloves  
- 1 hand sanitizer  
- 1 water bottle  
-1 health education starter pack for the family  
Kindly  Click HERE  to donate.  
18.Visit a local hospital to volunteer and pray with the sick.  
One significant approach to commemorate World Humanitarian Day is to visit a hospital or medical facility and pray with the sick. This simple yet important act not only provides physical assistance but also elevates their spirits and communicates a message of hope, love and compassion to those experiencing health issues. Take time to visit the hospital and minister healing and health.  
19.Brightening Children's Lives Through Toy Donations: Children living in orphanages experience particular problems, such as a lack of family support and resources. Giving them toys on World Humanitarian Day is a simple but powerful gesture that can make a big influence on their lives. Toys give more than just entertainment; they promote cognitive development, boost creativity, and create a sense of normalcy and contentment. Remember, every small act counts.  
20. Send Someone A Special Card  
A card has the special power to brighten people's emotions and spread goodwill. Receiving a kind note can make all the difference to someone who is struggling with their emotions, recovering from an accident, or fighting an illness. A physical sign of care and concern, the card serves as a ray of light through difficult times. These little but sincere gestures have the capacity to put smiles on faces and unite individuals.  
21. Pray with the VMC 
The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available, dynamic in its working. James 5:16 (AMP).  
One of the significant ways to be part of World Humanitarian Day is to join the VMC to pray today.  Pick any 15-minute slot today, and participate using this link 
22. Babysit For A Friend -. A friend's assistance can be extremely helpful when there is a need. Offering to babysit for a friend is a kind gesture that deepens relationships and brings about much-needed relief, whether it's taking care of their cherished child or some other chores.  
23. Carry out a community clean up exercise  
24. Offer free haircuts and skin care products to homeless  persons, refugees and displaced children.  
25. Assist at a homeless shelter or Shelter for domestic abuse victims or in care homes 
26. Host a health talk on personal hygiene online, onsite, on radio/TV and on your social media platforms 
27. Encourage a friend to sign up with the VMC  
28. Organise a blood pressure and health screening event  
29.  Gift care packages for families  displaced  or affected by natural disasters  
30.  Share publicity posts to help create more awareness for the world humanitarian day campaign  
Be a part of the World Humanitarian Day Good Deeds Campaign  #GO #VMCORPS 

Click HERE to participate

Events Information

Event Date

August 19, 2024 - August 31, 2024

Event Time

12:01PM - 10:40PM

Events Organizer

Volunteer Medical Corps

Volunteer Medical Corps

Phone Number

+234 708 9267 186

Email Address


21/23, Ize Iyamu Street, Off Billingsway Oregun, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria

Sign Up for VMC Good Deeds Campaigns and Earn Verified Volunteer Hours (and a Signed Certificate!)