1. Maintain a balanced diet- What you eat does make a difference in how you feel. It can also help you fight illness if you get sick.
2. Drink lots of water- Your body functions better with water. You might not be as physically active as usual which means you won’t perspire as much but you still need to drink no less than 1.5 liters or 8 glasses of water every day. This will help your kidney and liver flush out waste products and keep your body functioning optimally.
3. Clean hands, Healthy Body- Always keep your hands clean, wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer where these are not available to prevent exposure to disease-causing germs.
4. Soak up the early morning sunshine- Open up your windows, and try to catch the ray of the morning sun which provides you with more Vitamin D which is great for your immune system and your bones.
5. Get Moving- Exercise keeps you strong; a strong and healthy body will be able to fight sickness better.
6. Get Enough Sleep- A good quality sleep is very important; it helps keep your body and mind healthy.