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Sister Emily of VMC Australia Tells a beautiful Story Of Her Testimony

Sister Emily of VMC Australia Tells a beautiful Story Of Her Testimony

  • May 30, 2020
  • Views (6708)

My name is Emily M; a volunteer with the VMC in Brisbane Australia. I had been looking out for opportunities to visit hospitals and nursing homes to share God’s love with the sick, but no one gave me a favorable response, until one day, through the favor of God, a lady came across one of my posts on social media and invited me to come and pray for her 2-year-old son, who had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and had undergone a recent operation.  The child was subsequently placed on chemotherapy, and had undergone 16 cycles of treatment which had greatly suppressed his immune system resulting in an extremely low neutrophil count; this medical condition left his body unable to fight infections effectively. She called me to pray for her son in the ward, and I was so thankful to the  Lord for this opportunity presented to me to minister to them both. I shared the word of God with them and left behind Christian literature to inspire their faith. Shortly after, Ethan’s health improved considerably and he has since been discharged home to his mum’s great joy. For other inspiring stories about the impact our volunteers are making

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