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VMC Legacy Project in Kanyakumari city, Tamil Nadu, India

VMC Legacy Project in Kanyakumari city, Tamil Nadu, India

  • Aug 10, 2023
  • Views (6811)

Members of the Volunteer Medical Corps chapter in Kanyakumari city, Tamil Nadu, India launched into the month of August with a VMC Legacy Project executed to the glory of God. 
Our team of doctors, paramedics and volunteers carried out free medical camps at three location across Rameshwaram municipality. 
Prior to the onset of this project, many of the women in the selected communities had lacked access to sanitary rest rooms for their personal hygiene needs. 
The unsanitary methods of waste disposal they had to resort to placed them and those in their communities at risk for numerous communicable and infectious diseases. 
In addition to the donation of a  sanitary rest room, free medical screening services were provided to all those present at the outreach. 
The VMC team ably led by Dr. Sunil ministered the word of God and prayers to all the beneficiaries present. Many got saved, and they also attended the service which held at the newly established local church the next day. 
Among their new converts were members of the migrant Gypsy community. Praise God! 
We are so grateful to God for all these glorious opportunities to impact communities and preserve lives. 

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