The VMC Uganda donated an ambulance, 2 delivery beds, infant resuscitation equipment and other forms of medical equipment to the Kira Health Centre III. On a 1-year post-project evaluation visit, the team was received by the His Worship, Mayor Julius Mutebi of Kira Municipal Council, Kampala Uganda who expressed his gratitude for the support provided to their health centre which was serving over 300,000 people with very limited resources. He further stated that the number of antenatal visits and deliveries recorded per quarter after the VM’s visit had tripled from a little over 35% to over 94 % visits as a result of the VMC’s intervention. Prior to this time, the women had to make do with a rusted delivery bed to which many of them objected, thus many of their babies were delivered on the floors in the labour ward! This horrible state is now a thing of the past as more women have enrolled to use the facility and 6 of those children were present with their mothers during the visit to express their appreciation for this intervention by the VMC Uganda.