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70 Children Impacted by the VMC Pediatric Care Intervention In Port Harcourt.

70 Children Impacted by the VMC Pediatric Care Intervention In Port Harcourt.

  • Jun 07, 2022
  • Views (14866)

Some 6,500 babies die in the first month of life, and about 810 women die each day from preventable complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, making a total number of 295,000 death globally.

Sub-Saharan Africa records the world’s highest rates of newborn and maternal mortality.

Immense progress in child and maternal health has been attained in the past decades, more infants get to mark their fifth birthday, and fewer women lose their lives during pregnancy. But millions of women and children still die from situations that can be averted through quality health care and strong health systems. Communicable and non-communicable diseases, mental health conditions, injuries, malnutrition, and environmental hazards, all pose threats to children and mothers. Women and children living in poverty, with a disability, or in an emergency setting are especially likely to be cut off from services they need to survive and thrive. And the risk of disease and malnutrition soars during conflict, natural disasters, and other crises.

Improved care around the time of birth and after birth can play a vital role in saving the lives of women and newborns and the Volunteer Medical Corps has responded to the call by setting up a pediatric care program

Doctor Nnena and her team in VMC Port Harcourt held a special pediatric care intervention in commemoration with the ongoing VMC World Malaria Campaign, reaching out to mothers and under 5 children in Okporo Community, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. This intervention provided mothers with information they need on vital health topics like malaria, diarrhea, and personal hygiene including a demonstration of handwashing. 

VMC PHZ1 Malaria Prevention Outreach
VMC PHZ1 Malaria Prevention Outreach

About 100 beneficiaries of which 70 were under 5 children received free mosquito nets and antimalaria drugs which are key in the prevention of malaria. They also received free sachets of oral rehydration therapy, blood pressure checks, counseling, and consultations for the mothers. All 70 children were dewormed.

The mothers were ecstatic with joy as their children received free medical attention, as most of them had not been privileged to get a medical checkup in a very long time.  Indeed, it was a day of happiness and rejoicing for all the beneficiaries.

Every child deserves a healthy start in life. Every child deserves to live a healthy life. Isaiah 52:7 (NIV), How beautiful are the feet of the VMC volunteers who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings . . . 

Join the VMC today in providing pediatric care to mothers and children in regions of crisis and communities in dire need.

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Every child deserves a healthy start in life.


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