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  • Dec 17, 2020
  • Views (6707)

1. Don’t waste your calories on soft drinks/carbonated drinks or soda as they are popularly called. Drink water instead and save your calories for nutrient-dense food.

2. Add lemon, lime, orange, or cucumber slices to your drinking water to add some flavor while keeping your drink low in calories.

3. Make time for your daily workout by setting your alarm to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual.

4. Engage in the sporting activities that you enjoy like dancing!

5. Avoid drinks that are flavored with artificial sweeteners even if they are labeled zero calories. Plain water is healthy enough for you

6. Choose to eat home-made meals. This way, you have complete control over the quality and quantity of food you eat.

7. Having a mealtime routine is good, stick to the same meal times daily. This way, you can eliminate frequent snacking on calorie-dense foods.

8. Drink enough water (at least 8 glasses daily) and at regular intervals so that you don't confuse thirst for hunger pangs.

9. Fat diets do not work; focus instead on developing healthy habits and pursuing a healthy lifestyle.

10. Keep your house empty of unhealthy foods. If you want a healthy body, don’t fill your pantry with unhealthy food. If you buy it, chances are you will eat it.

Having a mealtime routine is good, stick to the same meal times daily.


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