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VMC Verulam provides Community Health Care Services and Nutritional Support

VMC Verulam provides Community Health Care Services and Nutritional Support

  • Aug 05, 2020

VMC Verulam, South Africa addressed the health problems associated with poverty and malnutrition by providing food supplies to those in need in their community as part of the ongoing #VMCGOODDEEDS Campaign. This forms part of our strategic mission to provide relief support and sustainable health care solutions in our host cities. 

Our VMC chapter has since been actively engaged in executing numerous free medical screening exercises to improve the health status of the local beneficiaries in addition to its ongoing nutritional support projects.

CLICK HERE to join the Volunteer Medical Corps;  the fastest growing global network of Christian health workers and volunteers who are committed to providing medical aid and humanitarian support to people and communities in dire need and in regions affected by crisis and disasters.

VMC Strengthens Local Health Care Systems


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