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VMC Zone K Abuja Supports Local Primary Health Care Systems

VMC Zone K Abuja Supports Local Primary Health Care Systems

  • Aug 05, 2020

VMC Loveworld Zone K impacted their community by providing free health care services, medications and relief items to the people of Angwa Dodo Community in Abuja, Nigeria. 

They recently organized a special outreach; a community-based relief mission through which they rendered  assistance to over 200 beneficiaries, while also delivering health talks in their local language on the ways to prevent the spread of malaria and non-communicable diseases like diabetes mellitus. 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached and souls were won to the Lord; many among the beneficiaries went home with renewed zeal to serve God and to live healthier lives. VMC Volunteers are Love in Motion
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VMC LW Zone K provides free health care services, medications, and relief items to over 150 families


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